Flow Devices

Issue: Blocked Culverts

Beavers feel and hear running water and instinctually work to slow the water, often at culverts. This poses multiple risks including flooding and road failure. 

Solution: Numerous

There are numerous solutions for blocked culverts such as a keystone fence, dam relocation, or fence and pipe.

Pictured: Edwin constructing a fence and pipe to address a blocked culvert.

Issue: Beavers Flooding Land

Sometimes beaver will build a dam too high which can flood roads, driveways, crop lands, and homes. 

Solution: Stream Flow Device or Pond Leveler

The flow device puts a permanent leak in the dam which prevents the beavers from building the dam up high enough to cause flooding. 

Pictured: Pond leveler installed by Midwest Beaver Management. 

Issue: Beavers destroying valuable heirloom trees

Beavers are known to chew down trees for sustenance and construction, and sometimes there's a special tree you don't want to lose. 

Solution: Tree wrapping

By wrapping trees in hardware clothe, metal fencing, or sand paint, the beaver will be unable to damage the tree while allowing the natural growth of that tree under proper maintenance. 

Issue: Beaver Trapping Costs 

New beaver will often replace the beavers that were removed. This is a sign of a desirable habitat. Repeated trapping can quickly cost thousands of dollars.

Solution: Beaver Management

The concerns that beavers pose for landowners can effectively be mitigated by our installations while saving you money. 

Pictured: Beaver dam located in north eastern Illinois.

Issue: Lack of Understanding about Beaver  

Beavers in the Midwest are often regarded as a nuisance but they provide many benefits. See Beaver Basics

Solution: Public Engagement

Jeff is available to speak at your local library, community group, or school. 

Pictured: Jeff presenting to civil engineering graduate students on beaver benefits at the Milwaukee School of Engineering.

Issue: Low Quality Wetland

Wetlands are often overrun by cattails and Phragmites (common reed) which drive out more desirable native plants. Wetlands have just enough water for mosquitos but not enough for fish, amphibians, and other wildlife. 

Solution: Habitat Enhancement

Beavers improve the habitat by digging up and eating the cattails. This creates more space for the native plants to be reestablished. Beavers build ponds that will provide the proper habitat for more diverse wildlife.

Pictured: Enhanced wetland where a beaver dam is present in northeastern Illinois.